The Stanley Theatre Volunteers provide many front-of-house services including ticket takers, house captains, aisle captains, and seating ushers for all Stanley Theatre events. Two house captains, eight aisle captains, and four ticket takers are on duty for the entire running time of every performance. A donation for front-of-house services is suggested at $250.00.
Security services can be provided by a bonded independent contractor. The service provides security for both the performers and the patrons. The number of security personnel needed is determined by the presenter along with the Stanley Theatre management to ensure the ratio of security staff to patrons is proper. Other determining factors include the attendance rate, the artists’ requirements, the type of events, and the age of the patrons.
Provisions of the Law applicable to The Stanley Theatre. The Americans with Disabilities Act is a comprehensive civil rights act that prohibits discrimination in a number of environments including places of public accommodation: Disabilities, under this act, also include blindness, hearing impairments, and deafness, among other conditions. Since this law guarantees access to public accommodations, it provides an opportunity for presenters to increase audiences for Stanley Theatre events.
Locations for 28 wheelchairs are positioned in five different areas on the main level of the theatre, with at least two price levels. Wheelchairs may be located in Orchestra Left Center and Right Center row O, Left and Right rows FF and GG, and ten seats may be removed in Right FF and GG. Usually, the seats in row O are higher price tickets, and the seats in FF and GG reflect the second or third price level. The seats are on skids, so we can arrange to have companions of wheelchair patrons sit next to the M.
Wheelchairs may gain access to the performing areas by use of the orchestra lift—which will raise up to stage level.
The Stanley Theatre has an Assistive Listening System that is available to all patrons upon request. An I.D. is required as a security deposit.
If a deaf person requires a qualified interpreter it is the responsibility of the presenter to be sure one is provided. It is entirely permissible to consult with the patron as to the type of interpreter needed (ASL or signed English) and the patron CANNOT be charged for the services of the interpreter(s).
It is the responsibility of the presenter to provide seats within 50 feet of the stage for the use of only deaf and visually impaired patrons, with the understanding that these seats may be sold to the general public if these seats are not used by patrons with these disabilities.